Dear Victor Central Families,
As we get ready to begin practices for Varsity and Junior Varsity sports on Monday, Aug. 23rd, I wanted to share information regarding Fall sports because some of it has changed since last Spring. The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) has stated that member schools statewide should follow safety protocols aligned with the latest guidance from the NYS Education Department (NYSED), their local department of health and their own school district.
Please review the following practices/procedures that will be enforced:
- Face Coverings (Staff/Students/Spectators/Guests)
- Outdoors - Not Required
- Indoors & On Bus - REQUIRED at ALL TIMES... Universal Masking
- Locker Rooms / Equipment
- Available for equipment storage and changing - Minimal Use
- Maintain 3’ at all times, masked and encouraged to bring belongings/equipment home daily to clean
- No Sharing Equipment / Water / etc...
- Staff MUST be present for all student locker room use
- Hydration and Hand Sanitation Protocols remain in effect from 20-21
- Spectators
- No Limitation on Number of Spectators
- Face Coverings REQUIRED inside the Buildings
- Encouraged to Sit with Family Circle (3’) as much as possible
- Concessions
- Outside - Maintain 3’ while eating / drinking
- Indoors - Eat at designated location (SH Cafe?)… Plan to have TV with game livestreaming
- Specific Guidelines from Food Services Forthcoming
- Use of electronic payment as much as possible - Fan Food
- Family Decision to Participate
We are not requiring Daily Health Screenings of Athletes and Coaches. However, in alignment with District guidelines, students and coaches who have symptoms of infectious illness or COVID-19 should not report to practices or games. They should contact the School Health Office and refer to their healthcare provider for care and testing, as needed. Individuals should remain home until symptoms subside or they test negative for COVID-19. Students and Parents/Guardians should communicate information with their Coaches and Health Office and will be directed how and when to return to participation following recommended procedures.
All of these protocols should be followed regardless of vaccination status. As always, our priority is the safety, health and well-being of our student-athletes, coaches and spectators. We will continue to provide regular updates, as needed, and appreciate your cooperation and communication. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Athletics Office. You can also view the district’s 2021-22 Reopening Plan at this link.
Thank You - Go Devils
Duey Weimer
Victor Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletics
If Victor Central Event Staff witness spectators not following this guideline, they may be asked to put on a face covering. If that does not happen, spectators will be asked to leave. Please show mutual respect to all. Anyone who interacts with VCS events on campus or elsewhere is subject to the rules of the District’s Code of Conduct.
WATCH GAMES LIVES: Victor Central and the MCPSAC has partnered with Varsity Media (VM), which works statewide with schools, to broadcast varsity contests. Victor will also be livestreaming contests when available - You can find all contest links on the Victor Blue Devils YouTube Page.